
Winds of Change Editorial Advisory Council


Winds of Change Editorial Advisory Council


Here's your chance to help the premier AISES publication -- Winds of Change magazine -- stay engaging and relevant. The Editorial Advisory Council has a few openings for members, from students through retirees. Council members contribute ideas for articles of interest to our diverse readership and commit to participating for one year. Meetings are held twice a year (spring and fall), via one-hour conference calls. We are looking for members who are informed about trends relevant to Indigenous people in STEM and Native communities in the U.S. and Canada. Please consider joining us as we plan new issues. We would like to have new members secured by the first meeting in April 2021. To find out more email Karen English, Editor at .

American Indian Science and Engineering Society

4263 Montgomery Blvd NE, Suite 200

Albuquerque, NM 87109

(505) 765-1052 |

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