
Five Ways To Be a Good Manager in a Virtual Workplace




Five Ways To Be a Good Manager in a Virtual Workplace

Just over a year ago the world went virtual. Today, many employees are still working remotely, and will be indefinitely. It can be challenging to effectively manage employees when you don’t see them every day. But being a good manager in a virtual workplace doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are a few suggestions to help you be successful.


Set Expectations

For many, the virtual workplace looks a lot different from their traditional office. They may be working in their dining room, have children in remote school next to them, or even be in a different time zone. It’s important for managers to set expectations early. As a manager, are you OK with your employee needing to step away from a call to help their children? Do you expect your virtual team to stick to the same in-office hours? Setting expectations around what is acceptable will help your team understand what they need to do to remain effective.



Traci Wade, Oracle Corporation

Photo of Cody Amakali

How do you define “good manager”?

A good manager understands their team’s full potential and inspires the team to get the best out of each member. A good manager seeks feedback from the team, listens to their ideas, and learns how to better support them. 


What is the biggest challenge facing managers in a remote workplace?

Building a team spirit virtually is the biggest challenge.


What is a pitfall managers should be aware of — and avoid?

Be mindful to ensure that your team does not experience burnout. Working from home, managing families, and assisting with schoolwork can all feel overwhelming. We have to remind our team to be good to themselves and take time off to recharge.


How can mangers address concerns (performance, morale, etc.) from afar?

Hosting 1:1 virtual meetings allows managers to discuss and understand the workload of individual team members and determine if there is a need to reallocate work or take on additional work. Meetings are also an opportunity to offer positive feedback or coach a team member to improve performance.


The AISES Career Hub and Opportunities Board have free online job and career resource information that are accessible 24/7 for students and professionals. At the Career Hub job seekers can scan jobs, upload a resume or explore career resources by industry, state or job function. The Opportunities Board is a centralized hub of information about opportunities like scholarships, internships, and more. You can get access to complete, verified, and updated information that can help you grow your skills and expertise. What are you waiting for? Go to or now!

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AIERG is committed to helping advance the health and well-being of the American Indian population.


The position will support the research being conducted in Hennepin Healthcare's HCMC department of Nephrology.


Successful candidates will build and teach courses for the BA and MS degrees in organizational leadership.


This internship will support NRDC’s advocacy work on wildlife and other conservation issues in the Northern Rockies. Possibly remote.


Apply by April 12. Resources award for selected applicants.


Apply by May 5. U.S. Department of Energy


Apply by May 27. U.S. Department of Energy


Apply by May 27. U.S. Department of Energy


Apply by April 1. Jet Propulsion Laboratory






AISES – Boulder, Colo.


University of Minnesota – Duluth, Minn.


The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine – Washington, D.C.


Tepa Companies – Kansas City, Mo. or Englewood, Colo.


University of Minnesota – Saint Paul, Minn.


NYU – Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.


Remote – National Institutes of Health


Silicon Valley Bank – Menlo Park, Calif.


Oregon State University – Corvalis, Ore.




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April 2 & 9



Sept. 23–25

Phoenix, Ariz.






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OUR MISSION: The American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) is a national nonprofit organization focused on substantially increasing the representation of Indigenous peoples of North America and the Pacific Islands in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) studies and careers.


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