Lori Huck

Cherokee Nation
Region 4 Student Rep

My name is Lori Huck, and I am a Cherokee Nation citizen and half Choctaw. I am a senior at Oklahoma State University double majoring in Geology & Geospatial Information Science (GSIS). I plan on attending graduate school to study volcanology and obtain my PhD. As a career, I plan to continue in research at a government agency or private company and eventually I would like to become a professor at a university. I have been a member of AISES for three years and I am currently the Outreach Chair for the AISES Chapter at OSU. I am excited to be the Region 4 Representative and I look forward to working with all the Chapters in my region and to representing them as best as I can! 

Email: Region4@aises.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AISESRegion4/
Twitter: @AISES_Region_04
Instagram: aisesregion4
TikTok:  aisesr4